What is yoga?
Yoga is simply to breathe, let go of your thoughts, and observe. Healing of the body and mind occurs naturally, like a cut on the skin heals itself. But our incessant mind impedes this process. The body and mind are good at hiding the issue when you don't have time to pause and allow healing to unfold. When you don’t feel, you don’t heal. In yoga poses, the breath subtly expands deep inside the body. This allows the mind to observe the body, noticing any discomfort. The less you think, the more awareness you will have of your body’s sensations. When the mind can feel, the body will naturally heal. The practice of yoga poses improves your capacity to breathe, let go of your thoughts, and observe. Then you are better prepared to observe the more subtle mind. In meditation, the breath anchors your mind. Thoughts come and go. You become the observer, not the thinker. When you take a step back, you begin to notice the linkages between your thoughts, actions, and consequences. When you c...